
We provide state-of-the-art, medical and surgical eye care minimally-invasive facial aesthetics in San Antonio, Texas. The most common procedure we perform are cataract surgery (standard and laser) with IOL implantation (standard or premium), glaucoma lasers and surgeries, dry eye care, botulinum toxin treatments, facial fillers, and micro-needling.

Cataract Surgery


The natural lens of the eye becomes cloudy with age. A cloudy lens is called a cataract. We all develop cataracts if we live long enough. Cataract surgery can improve vision.

Laser Cataract Surgery

Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery is the latest version of cataract surgery and can help reduce astigmatism and provide more visual clarity.

Premium IOLs

Cataract surgery does not eliminate the need for glasses. Multifocal or extended depth of focus IOLs can provide better uncorrected vision at distance, intermediate, and near.

Cataract Anesthesia

General anesthesia is not used in cataract surgery. An anesthesiologist will provide IV sedation and the eye is anesthetized with a local anesthetic by the ophthalmologist.

Second Opinions

Patients sometimes question the recommendation of their ophthalmologist. We frequently provide second opinions regarding cataract surgery options.

Laser Capsulotomy

Vision can become blurry again after cataract surgery due to a cloudy film on the back of the artificial lens (IOL). A painless, in-office laser procedure can eliminate this film.



The optic nerve connects the eye to the brain. Degeneration of the optic nerve is glaucoma. High eye pressure is a risk factor. Treatment can prevent irreversible blindness.

Laser Treatments

Glaucoma sometimes require laser treatment to obtain reduction in eye pressure. SLT and Micro-pulse Diode Cyclophotocoagulation are non-invasive laser options for glaucoma.

Narrow Angles

Narrow angles can lead to closed-angle glaucoma. Laser iridotomy is an effective treatment for narrow angles and prevents angle closure.


There are multiple types of microstents used to reduce the eye pressure in glaucoma, including iStent, Hydrus, and Xen Gel stents. This may be a good option to reduce your eye pressure.

Tube Shunts

Ahmed and Molteno valves are larger implant devices used for glaucoma resistant to other forms forms of treatment. They have good success rates.

Marijuana & CBD

Marijuana and CBD have received a lot of attention as alternative treatments for various medical conditions. Does glaucoma benefit from marijuana & CBD?

Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry Eye

Dry Eye Syndrome occurs when the tear production is reduced or when the different layers of the tear film are out of balance leading to faster evaporation.

Dry Eye Meds

Artificial tears can be purchased over-the-counter and used to treat dry eyes. Medications like Restasis, Xiidra, and Cequa can be used in cases not resolved by artificial tears.

Punctal Plugs

Dry Eye Syndrome is sometimes treated by putting a small plug in opening to the tear duct system. This allows natural tears to build the tear film and improve symptoms.

Serum Tears

Blood can be drawn from an individual and the serum can be separated and used to make an eye drop rich in growth factors and anti-inflammatory molecules to treat dry eye.

Nasal Spray

A nasal spray has been developed to stimulate the trigeminal nerve. The leads to increased production of the 3 layers of the tear film. Natural tears may be better than artificial tears.

Amniotic Membrane

Amniotic membrane is harvested from placentas that have been screened and properly prepared for medical use. It can be used to heal the eye, especially dry eyes.

MG Dysfunction

The meibomian glands (MG) produce the oil layer of the tear film. This protects the tear film from rapid evaporation. Plugging of the MGs can cause evaporative dry eye.

Styes & Chalazions

Styes occur when a hair follicle becomes infected. Chalazions occur when meibomian glands become plugged. Both can cause uncomfortable bumps on the eyelids.

MG Thermal Tx

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction can be treated with a conservative, at-home regimen. Resistant cases may require a treatment that heats the glands & removes solidified oil.

Facial Aesthetics

BOtulinum TOXin

Botulinum toxin is used to relax muscles of the face that are causing wrinkles. This softens or eliminates wrinkles providing a more youthful appearance.

Facial Fillers

Hyaluronic acid is a substance found naturally in the skin. It is used to build volume or fill deeper lines. Fillers create a more youthful appearance and enhances one's beauty.

Lower Eyelids

Deep tear troughs can make you appear older and tired. Filling the tear troughs with the correct filler will improve the appearance of the lower eyelids.

Nasal Labial Folds

The nasal labial (NL) fold runs from the side of the nose to the corner of the mouth. Filler can used to soften the appearance of the NL folds and give you a more youthful appearance.


Lip enhancement with filler is very popular. Plumper, fuller lips are sought by women of all ages. There are new fillers specifically designed to build soft, natural-appearing lips.

Cheek Enhancement

Aging causes loss of volume in the cheeks and sagging of the mid-face. Enhancing the cheeks with fillers improve the appearance of the cheeks and provide a mid-face lift.


Jowls are a challenge to treat. Traditionally, a surgical face lift was needed to improve their appearance. A 2-pronged approach can make a significant impact on improving the jowls.

Jaw Line Contouring

Face trimming or jaw line contouring has increased in popularity. Botulinum toxin is used to relax specific muscles of the face which can give the face a less blocky appearance.


Laser treatments for the skin can have significant downtime, can only be used on certain skin shades, and is extremely costly. Microneedling can improve your skin's look.

Other Conditions


Floaters become more common in middle age. They can be a sign of aging, retinal tear, or retinal detachment. Age-related floaters can be treated with a new laser.

Diabetic Eye Disease

Diabetes can damage all the organs of the body including the eyes. Early damage can be present without any symptoms. Diabetics should have their eyes examined yearly.

Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration can lead to blurry, distorted vision or central vision loss. Early disease can be asymptomatic and nutritional supplements be helpful.

Eye Allergies

San Antonio may be the allergy capital of the U.S. Mold and various pollens cycle throughout the year. Symptoms can mimic dry eye. Over-the-counter and prescription meds may help.